Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Music: Highlights of 2011

                             2011 was a good year for music. In 2011 I went to some amazing and unforgettable concerts, as well as two of my favorite, anticipated albums were released. Typically I attend a lot of concerts, big and small, but in 2011 I did not go to as many as usual. One of the best had to be The Chariot with My Children My Bride. Having already seen The Chariot a handful of times before I knew exactly what to expect and of course they did not disappoint. The Chariot's live shows are always noisy and relentless. The crowds are passionate and aggressive. Their shows are ones that I will not soon forget. The Chariot knows how to put on a good show, with their constant movement and live stunts. 

  2011 also brought about the release of The Horror's third album Skying. For many the record is a natural  development in their sound. The band toned down the experimentation of Primary Colours.  Skying is the first time the Horrors have produced their own music, creating sounds of 80s new wave and 90s shoegaze. They have released a beautiful record that clearly displays their influences and love of music. After their debut release the Horrors have drastically changed their sound, for me it is an evolution but others see it as losing their roots. I believe the band is developing their confidence with each release and firmly establishing themselves as a band that continues to develop and take bold steps forward. 


S.C.U. M released their debut album Again Into Eyes in 2011.  I was very excited for this release because I've been a fan of S.C.U.M since their inception and for me this has been a long time coming. Again Into Eyes is angular and melancholic and everything I love about S.C.U.M. The band's sound has clearly progressed since their inception. I look forward to see what the future brings for this group of British youths. 

And...even though this post is about my highlights in 2011, there was a downside. ROMANCE, a British band that I have followed since I can remember, called it quits. They will continue to be one of our favorites. 

Photo credit: Brian Hall Photography, amazon, nme

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