Thursday, August 16, 2012

In the City: Atlanta

       Rarely do we get to go on a vacation or in this case a day trip, so when the opportunity arose for us to go to Atlanta, we jumped at it. Atlanta is the closest large city near us so it's always exciting to visit and plan the trip! 

       After making the two hour trip, first on our list of things to do was visit Atlantic Station, one of Atlanta's most popular shopping areas. One of the main reason's we picked this out-door mall instead of another is because it has an H&M, which we have none of in our state (H&M please change that!). It turned out a bit disappointing though because this H&M didn't have much to offer, it seemed to be filled with mostly basics. It had some nice accessories though, namely some neon plastic bib necklaces that were tempting but looked too cheap to justify the $12 they cost.     

We were definitely hungry by this time so we stopped into one of the restaurants nestled in Atlantic Station. We picked a cool, trendy looking eatery called Cafe Nineteen that served various sandwiches, rolls, and pastries. 

        One of the best parts about visiting another state or city is that you get to visit boutiques that are exclusive to that area. You really get an idea of local taste in fashion. 

         There are very few museums close to our home, so any time we get to travel to a new place we make it a necessity to visit at least one. We picked the Michael C. Carlos museum located on Emory University's main campus. The museum housed artifacts from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Near East, and the ancient Americas. It was amazing seeing such pieces in close detail that you have heard about and seen in text books your whole life. The amount of detail and craftsmanship that went into these pieces, and the fact that you can still make out tiny brush strokes after thousands of years is awe-inspiring. The museum housed a large collection of ancient jewelry. It was neat to see what the people of ancient eras considered fashionable and how that changed between different eras and geographical locations. We also got to see some mummies up close for the first time which is something that we may now happily check off our bucket list! 

      We ended our day at the randomly chosen, Hsu's, which turned out to be the best Chinese restaurant we have ever been to. At the entrance to the restaurant are pictures of the owner with some of its more renowned guests, such as Betty White and Adam Sandler. The service was spot on, right down to refolding your napkins when excusing yourself to the restroom. We really enjoyed Atlanta and will be back very soon! 

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