Friday, January 6, 2012

              We hope everyone had a happy holiday and new year!! So perhaps it's a little late in the game to post New Years resolutions, but we think it's important to take time to think about what you really want to achieve for the new year. We've listed our hopes and dreams for 2012, it'll be interesting to be able to look back and see how we do!

Resolutions are difficult. Sadly, more often than not, you begin the year ripe with enthusiasm, and by the time march hits, all bets are off. The older you get the more the years zip by in a blur and things happen so fast that in the end you feel like you haven't achieved anything that you wanted. So this year is the year we've decided to make a specific list of goals and actually try and keep them. This list compiles both of our respective resolutions:

                    1. Recycle: I'm embarrassed to say, but I waste, a lot. A few years ago I began taking a bottle of water to school everyday, and soon after I began only drinking water from water bottles. Of course I refill my bottles with tap water, but the thought of all those bottles over the years just laying in a landfill somewhere makes me sick. So I've decided, if I can't kick the habit of using water bottles, then I will recycle every bottle I use.
                    2. Drink More Green Tea: I love tea, but I don't always drink it as much as I would like. After reading up on all of the health benefits and rich anti-oxidants green tea has, I pledge to drink atleast one cup a day and hopefully give my health a boost!
                    3. Look For Quality, Not Quantity: I am sick of having clothes that lose shape after 3 washes and having to practically buy a new wardrobe each season. I want to invest in pieces that are beautiful, luxurious and will actually stand the test of everyday wear. Before I thought it a waste to spend a lot on clothing, but now I feel it's okay to shell out a little more on a piece that you know will actually last and get worn a lot. I also have recently read a few articles on clothing manufacturing, namely clothes manufactured in China and other poor nations. The articles were horrifying and it has made me want to seek out clothes made fair-trade and not in sweat shops. 
Read more on sweatshops.
                   4. A Space To Create: I love making things, whether it be art, jewelry, or clothing. However, I usually talk more about making things, then actually making something. So I'm clearing out a room in my house and dedicating it completely to art & crafts. It will be my own studio of sorts. Now I'll have no excuse not to create and the thought of having my own space to go when I'd like to make something is inspiring.
                  5. Enjoy The Little Things: Probably a resolution most people reflect on at the start of a new year, but I really would like to keep a positive frame of mind this year, and to quote Dale Carnegie, "it isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It's what you think about."
                  6. Stay Healthy & Get in Shape: This is probably a resolution most of us make, however it becomes harder and harder to stick to. This year I hope to get on to a workout routine I can keep; and continue with my yoga. I like to think I am healthy in my eating habits but this year I want to incorporate more veggies and fruits and generally eat from really healthy sources. Perhaps I will introduce a green smoothie into my breakfast. 
                  7. Challenge Myself: Academically, I do pretty well but this year I want to strive for a scholarship, and really push myself to be my best in my studies. But I do not want to challenge myself just in academics, I would love to push myself to branch out more and travel or pursue some artistic venture, which for me is never easy. 

We believe these resolutions are not just for this year, we would love to continue and incorporate these resolutions into something that can be pursued for years.   

photo via

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